" I had a rather clear vision of how I wanted Pansarfolk to sound. Usually, the end result turns out a bit different than the original intention was. But Pansarfolk is exactly as earthy as I wanted it. The musicians who lent their talent to this project are second to none. The result bears witness to that. "
- Pär Hulkoff
Under the solo-moniker HULKOFF, Swedish outdoorsman, songwriter, and composer Pär Hulkoff delivers wild and ancient acoustics by mixing folk tones, Val modus, and uniquely refreshing metal. HULKOFF has a decade-long history of hits and millions of streams behind him with 2017’s solo-album “KVEN” and as frontman of industrial-metal band Raubtier. With hits such as “Einherjr”, “Kamphund”, “Låt Napalmen Regna” and “Dobermann”, Pär Hulkoff continues to build on his legacy of groundbreaking cross-genre compositions.
The music is, as Hulkoff prefers it, iron-hard and grandiose. Melodic and aggressive, Metal for the Viking-hearted. The lyrics delve into the ancient ancestry of the North, and the way of life and the religion of the Kvens, The Scythians, The Goths, The Celts, the Finns and the later Norse. Blood-soaked, of course. From the bronze age through the migration period and into the iron age, Fenno-Scandia (or Etunaheimar/Jotunheim) has been a kettle of cultural birth. And fierce warriors.
The wait for HULKOFF’s forthcoming folk-metal album “Pansarfolk” will soon be over. The album releases in two languages on September 25 - 2020, which is the official release date. Pansarfolk is HULKOFF’s second solo-album and is preceded by “KVEN” that was released in 2017. With a dash of Scandinavian melancholy, Pansarfolk offers an assortment of rockhard, earthy, and furious folk-metal — a throwback in time accompanied by familiar and ancient Nordic tones.
Hulkoff - Einherjr
Hulkoff - Martialisk (Svitjod Edition)
Hulkoff - Scyth
Hulkoff - Ingvar (Svitjod Edition)
Hulkoff - Faravid
Hulkoff - Hildisvin (Svitjod Edition)